The second session took a different direction from the church building, starting along Queen's Road itself, towards the town centre. The morning rush 'hour' was concluding, with plenty of traffic around; the whole walk was much noisier, in contrast to the first walk.
The over-riding impression of this time of day was of people on the move, passing through the neighbourhood on their way to work or elsewhere. A significant majority were travelling by car, but we also met plenty on foot and several cyclists taking advantage of the cycle route which runs down Watlington Street at the side of the church.
Rush hour on Queen's Road |
Passing through |
Which means of transport? |
What sort of mission and ministry does the church have for those who are 'passing through' the neighbourhood in significant numbers each day, not least those in a hurry with no time to stop?
We greeted many of those we met with a simple 'Good morning' during the course of our walk, but very few replied - many were focused on their purposeful walk and others 'boxed in' listening to music.
Boxed in?
A variety of use in just these few buildings |
Looking at the mixture of buildings in this part of the neighbourhood, there was a continuing variety: the balance is stilted towards commercial as opposed to residential use.
Plenty of side streets, but quite a number were blocked off at one end or the other, probably to prevent use as 'rat runs' by motor vehicles: leaving a sense that the area feels constrained.
Looking from another perspective, a large number of residential properties are split into flats, not unusual in an inner urban area. Noticeable though were many buildings set back from the road, behind fences or walls (as is the church building itself). Another question followed - how do these walls, fences, door buzzers affect the engagement of the church with the community around?
Fenced in? |
Set back from the road |
Door buzzers abound (as do Letting signs!) |
Some other things: at a premium
...buildings crammed in
Office space in plentiful supply |
...yet empty offices and other buildings
Not the only empty building |
...little or no space to gather
...other communities in the neighbourhood - some of faith
Mural painted by some members of the African community |
More signs of Eastern European influence |
View of St Giles, down Church St. The Society of Friends (Quakers) Meeting House is also down here on the right. |
Reading Family Church office - they meet for worship close by in South Street Arts Centre |
...the strong breeze
...those with headphones listening 'in their own little world'
...traffic the over-riding noise throughout the walk
Pray thanks for the variety of this area of Reading, for the heritage and history seen in the buildings.
...thanks for the changing seasons, a reminder of the power of God in creation.
...for those passing through each day, for safe travels and for their daily work and livelihoods.
...for those feeling "boxed in" by personal circumstances, whatever has led to that.
...for a continuing desire to discover God's purpose for the church community at Wesley.
..and perhaps this is a prayer for us all personally:
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